Over the years I have ran across a number of printers that thought they had everything figured out until the machine actually went into production. How often does the “AS SEEN ON TV” ad actually come true? Yes, it was seen somewhere, but sometimes the smoke and mirrors screened the complexity. There are times when the “DON’T TRY THIS STUNT AT HOME” theory comes into play. Unfortunately, many do not realize what is actually involved when the smoke clears and the lights are turned on.
You have to keep in mind there is a learning curve associated with UV printing. Operating windows on the machine are much smaller and the tolerances are tighter. Many pressmen start to question their own ability or get discouraged as things go wrong. Despite what some people will tell you, full UV does not print like conventional printing.
Why not give yourself and your team a chance to start off with the direction and confidence necessary to be successful?
Let D.G. Print Solutions take months and dollars off of your learning curve.